Cosmic Pack
A package of FFGL plug-ins (FreeFrame OpenGL). Suitable for such a VJ’s application as Resolume Avenue. In the implementation of plug-ins using the full power of modern graphics accelerators supporting OpenGL. This package includes 6 effects, which in various ways transfer 2D space of the video stream in the third dimension.
IR ClipSA [4, 8, 16, 32] – Clip Step Automation (Freeware)
This is a simple clip’s “video position” parameter automation by step sequencer, which is made as FFGL plug-ins for Resolume Avenue 3. Allows you to organize automatic sequencing clips on the similarity ChaosMode in Resolume 2 versions. Consists of four modules differ in the number of steps.
and also: IR FaderSA, IR OSCSA, IR Keystone2[3]